The Anton Bruckner Private University (ABPU) is an internationally renowned university in the heart of Europe located in Linz, the UNESCO City of Media Arts, which sees its mission equally in artistic, artistic-educational and artistic-academic education as in the development and communication of the arts. ABPU sees the transfer of knowledge to society and the area of the Third Mission as an important part of its social commitment. The Anton Bruckner Private University offers artistic and artistic-educational degree programmes in the fields of music, drama and dance. It is organised as a public corporation and is funded by the state of Upper Austria.

Senior Scientist (Postdoc) in Artistic Research (f/m/d)

  • Scope of employment: 20 hours per week (50% of full-time employment)
  • Duration of employment: initially limited to three years; contract extension possible until 30 September 2030 at the latest
  • Salary group D of the Anton Bruckner Private University Service Regulations (subject to approval of the amendment to the statutes by the University Council and the Upper Austrian state government)
  • Gross monthly salary from EUR 2,376.14 (depending on creditable previous service)
  • Planned start of employment: Between 01/09 and 01/10/2024
  • Selection procedure: Pre-selection by appointment committee
  • End of application period: 07/07/2024
  • Hearing expected on 02/03 September 2024
  • Organisational unit: Doctoral Programmes in the Vice-Rectorate for Research

Since 2019, ABPU has offered one structured artistic-academic and one structured academic doctoral programme. Early-stage researchers—both academics and artistic researchers—are trained to think and act in a research-based approach. ABPU deliberately makes the boundaries between science and art practice fluent and thus facilitates access to academic training for career changers. A unique feature of the programme is the close interpenetration of practice and theory, which is expressed in practice-inspired research questions, transdisciplinary approaches, a wide range of methods and diverse forms of dissemination.
In the winter semester 2024/25, the doctoral programme team will be significantly expanded, and the position of Senior Scientist will be appointed.


Employment requirements:
  • Completion of a doctoral programme relevant to the subject and topic (preferably in Artistic Research or practice-based research)
  • Thorough familiarity with the current international discourse on Artistic Research
  • Teaching experience at university or college level and willingness to teach in a wide-ranging field under the specific requirements of an arts university
  • Proven experience in the management and realisation of artistic and/or academic events
  • Ability to work in a team; organisational and communication skills
  • Very good knowledge of written and spoken English and German (or, in the case of insufficient knowledge of German, the willingness to perform teaching and supervisory tasks in German after one year at the latest).
  • Regular presence at the Anton Bruckner Private University

Further desired qualifications:
  • Work experience in the inter-/transdisciplinary field
  • Experience in acquiring third-party funding in research and/or the art market
  • International concert, lecture and publication activities as an artist and academic as well as involvement in the international specialist community
  • Gender and discrimination-critical competence

Role & Responsibilities

  • Independent artistic and academic research and publications
  • Collaboration in organisational and administrative tasks as well as in evaluation measures of the doctoral programmes
  • Collaboration in the preliminary orientation contact with doctoral applicants and in the admissions procedure
  • Coordination and main responsibility for the production of the series “PARL - Platform for Art and Research Linz” as well as participation in the direction of the annual doctoral programme "PARL - SPRING LAB"
  • Independent organisation of courses in the fields of practice and theory of (artistic) scientific research as well as holding examinations
  • Collaboration in research and teaching tasks of the doctoral programmes, including editorial work on publications
  • Substantial involvement in writing research proposals and acquiring third-party funding using Austrian and European research funding institutions
  • Development and maintenance of external and internal ABPU research collaborations
  • Participation in university self-administration
As an employer, the Anton Bruckner Private University offers you:
  • An appreciative culture of recognition and leadership
  • Free and independent work in a dynamic team
  • An artistic, creative environment
  • Opportunities for personal and professional development
  • Workplace health promotion programmes
  • Flexible working hours as part of a flexitime model
  • Possibility of home office/mobile working within the framework of the applicable employment agreement

Please enclose the following with your application:
  • Letter of motivation
  • Description of current research interests and current or future research projects or plans as well as a statement on artistic-academic research (2-3 pages in total)
  • Further documents (CV, certificates, list of publications including artistic and artistic-academic publications, list of courses held, internet links to relevant materials such as audio/video, etc., which can be accessed until the end of the hiring procedure)

Contact & general information

Please submit the documents as one PDF file and include a table of contents.

If you have any questions regarding the content of the application, please contact the Head of Doctoral Programmes, Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüneburg (E: barbara.lueneburg@bruckneruni.at). For organisational and other queries, please contact the Head of the Department of Human Resources and Legal Affairs, Richard Werth, LL.B. (T: +43 732 701000 292; E: personal@bruckneruni.at).

Costs incurred in connection with an application to the Anton Bruckner Private University cannot be reimbursed. Your application documents will be destroyed at the end of the appointment procedure.

Please send your informative application documents by 7 July 2024 at the latest exclusively by electronic means through our applicant portal https://jobs.bruckneruni.at.

In accordance with its mission statement, ABPU is committed to diversity and equality. In line with the equality intentions of the state of Upper Austria, we equally welcome applications from people of all gender identities.

This job advertisement is not intended to exclude any group of people from applying and is aimed at people in all their diversity, in particular people with disabilities whose impairment is compatible with the advertised position. Only the personal and professional suitability for the advertised position is decisive for a successful application. The Anton Bruckner Private University strives for a diverse, socially representative staff structure and therefore particularly welcomes applications from people with a history of migration, people who have faced socio-economic barriers, people of colour (BPoC) and/or people from other underrepresented groups.

Information on your rights as a data subject pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR and the Anton Bruckner Private University's privacy policy can be found at https://www.bruckneruni.at/datenschutz/
Artistic, creative environment
Workplace Health Promotion
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